
3 Things to Know About Kumolus


Last month, CloudBolt Software announced our intention to acquire Kumolus, a tech company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia. We believe the acquisition gives our cloud management platform a rich new set of cost management, security, and governance capabilities in our quest to meet enterprises wherever they are in their hybrid cloud journey.

As a SaaS-based solution, Kumolus’ visualization, cost optimization, and governance capabilities for Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services environments is something we believe will be of great benefit to enterprises.

On October 8 at 1 PM ET, experts from CloudBolt and Kumolus will hold a webinar to explain Kumolus’ features and how it can help you with your public cloud costs and compliance. You can register now here.

In the meantime, here are three things you should know about Kumolus, and what it can provide for your enterprise:

Kumolus Offers Cloud Visualization in a Complex Era

Cloud can be complicated, especially in an era of shadow IT. With Kumolus, enterprises can now gets something hard to find: cloud visualization, along with robust features for cost management, cloud security, and governance, with a focus on automated outcomes.

If, in your enterprise, your cloud scales beyond human control, Kumolus enhances service efficiency, secures services, drives policy automation and reduces costs. This way you can keep tabs on everything happening with the visibility you need.

Cost Optimization for Public Cloud Resources

Cost optimization and spend overrun is a big problem for most organizations. We’ve seen reports that almost $9 billion is wasted globally every year when organizations let cloud resource idle unabated.

Kumolus’ cloud cost management and optimization capabilities control cloud services-related spending by monitoring, reporting and automatically optimizing cloud resources. Usage and spending are tracked, and policy-driven workflows are followed to reduce cost without manual intervention. Specific cloud costs can be allocated to the appropriate business units for  showbacks/chargebacks, idling and rightsizing recommendations, and notifications on public cloud discounts.

Compliance and Security in Focus with Kumolus

Kumolus brings together governance, compliance and security by integrating with cloud management. By doing this, enterprises can define, continuously monitor and audit policies to keep things in check. This enhanced the already-strong similar capabilities within CloudBolt’s CMP.

Kumolus automates and controls the processes that allocate your cloud resource deployment and configuration, and allows for dynamic visualization of cloud services for compliance against standards including CIS, PCI-DSS, and the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

See Kumolus in action. Sign up to see a demo of our new solution.

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