
IT Automation Secrets: Automate, Provision and Manage Resources—Intelligently


Is your business falling behind in the race to the top?

Your business moves fast. Different, often-competing units within your enterprise want to achieve business priorities, drive efficiencies, and rapidly produce revenue. They’re relying on IT to provide the resources necessary to grow fast. They need what they need and they need it now—as in yesterday.

How can you ensure fast compliant delivery of resources—be it virtual machines (VMs), applications, public cloud resources, or other types—so your business can grow quickly without friction and delay? The answer: IT automation.

We’ve recently posted our eBook, The 7 Secrets of IT Automation, which gives you the opportunity to learn a step-by-step action plan to unlock the potential of your hybrid and multi-cloud environment.

This is the fourth in a weekly blog series examining each of the seven secrets. This week we’ll look at Secret 4: Automate, Provision and Manage Resources—Intelligently.

Secret 4: Automate, Provision and Manage Resources—Intelligently

Self-service IT, in and of itself, makes the lives of all technological stakeholders in your enterprise, much easier. Provisioning time can be cut from weeks to minutes. You’ll save on costs, and your users – from admins to DevOps and others – will get what they need and complete projects to meet business objectives. You may be asking: “That all sounds great, but what do I do about day-2 management?”

Great question! Once your IT resources are provisioned, managing them can’t be overlooked. Get a plan to deploy and manage the complete service lifecycle for resources. Use platforms and set policies that discover and ingest brownfield resources. And, make sure the solution you choose is able to maintain compliance throughout.

Secrets No More: Unlock the Power of IT Automation. See How CloudBolt Can Help.

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