
Failed to get latest version of the resource element


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Randomly a build may fail when utilized with the Sovlabs Modules. The error seen in the logs shows the following:


‘Failed to get latest version of the resource element’


This error message presents itself when a large volume VM’s is being requested. This has been seen in the F5, Naming Sequence and Ansible modules.


Example error snippet from Custom Naming machineRequest workflow


Faced error - creating property SovLabs_Naming_Failure = Failed to get latest version of the resource element Sequence (Workflow:Custom Naming / Generate Hostname (item13)#29) 

item: 'Custom Naming machineRequested/item7', state: 'failed', business state: 'null', exception: 'Failed to get latest version of the resource element Sequence (Workflow:Custom Naming / Generate Hostname (item13)#29)'



This was an internal vRO issue where versioning for vRO resource elements was not being updated properly when then contents of the resource elements were updated.  This was resulting in contention when accessing resource elements during certain workflows.


Affected Versions

  • SovLabs modules 2019.6.0 and prior


Workaround or Solution


SovLabs have worked with VMWare to code a solution and this has been resolved in plugin 2019.8.0 and above

If you are on a 2018.x.x or older module and would like to upgrade, please submit a version upgrade at

If you are on a 2019.x.x version of the plugin and would like to upgrade, please submit a support request at the Sovlabs Support Portal ( for an updated plugin link.

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