
Weekly CloudNews: The next frontier in cloud computing


Welcome to this week’s edition of CloudBolt’s Weekly CloudNews!

Here is this week’s news:

The next frontier in cloud computing

David Linthicum, InfoWorld, July 15, 2022

“A few years ago, I pointed out that multicloud is really not about the public clouds it’s built on. What I did not do is attempt to name it in an effort to claim myself as the creator of a new buzzword.

“Not that I won’t pat myself on the back in all my narcissistic glory. Indeed, I’ve created buzzwords that turned out to be billion-dollar industries. However, I also know that when you give something a name it allows others to define it, which brings its usefulness way down. You end up defining a concept before it’s had a chance to evolve with use. Certainly, architecture patterns, such as the one that’s emerging above multiclouds, are something you don’t want to limit just yet.” READ MORE

CIOs contend with rising cloud costs

Paula Rooney, CIO, July 19, 2022

“Deep into a massive shift to the cloud, McDermott International CIO Vagesh Dave found himself at an unforgiving crossroads: As engineers gobbled up the vast computing resources available in the cloud, the oil rig constructor IT chief noticed the monthly bill was sky high with little return on investment yet to be realized during the migration.

“To stem the tide, Dave opted to move a range of heavy-duty computing loads back to on-premises servers in a downsized data center. ” READ MORE

The current state of zero-trust cloud security

Taryn Plumb, VentureBeat, July 20, 2022

“Cloud adoption continues to grow and accelerate across a diverse range of environments. But despite – or perhaps because of – this, IT and security leaders are not confident in their organization’s ability to ensure secure cloud access. Further compounding this is the fact that traditional tools are falling far behind increasingly complex and ever-evolving cybersecurity risks.

“One solution to this confluence of factors: zero-trust network access (ZTNA). This strategic approach to cybersecurity seeks to eliminate implicit trust by continuously validating every stage of digital interaction. ” READ MORE

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