
Webinar Recap: Unify Your Private Datacenter and AWS with CloudBolt


CloudBolt Software recently held a joint webinar with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to discuss the finer points of how organizations can unify their private datacenter with their AWS instance using CloudBolt’s cloud management platform.

During the webinar, Shasha Raina, AWS Partner Solution Architect, and Rick Kilcoyne, CloudBolt’s Chief Product Officer, discussed industry best practices around these integrations and how an extensible and agile platform for hybrid cloud optimization helps make it possible.

Here are some highlights from the webinar:

The Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

The benefits of the cloud are numerous, including offering increased agility and driving down costs. But as Raina explains, hybrid cloud is often necessary.

“While most applications can be easily migrated to the cloud, some applications need to be re-architected or modernized before they can be moved to the cloud,” Raina says. “Some applications need to remain on premises due to low latency or data sovereignty requirements. Regardless of where workload may reside, Operations want to be able to develop once and be able to deploy workloads to the cloud or on-premises in an agile and consistent fashion using a common set of APIs to manage and operate.”

Enterprises are looking for hybrid cloud architecture that can provide operational consistency, utilize existing skillsets and tools, enterprise-class app SLAs, and provide a “build once, deploy anywhere” experience that is simple to control, manage and secure, Raina says.

CloudBolt Simplifies Hybrid Cloud Management

Hybrid cloud users want a cloud-like experience where they can manage their own workloads, conduct day-two operations and request resources with necessary degrees of both control and agility. Kilcoyne said that increasingly, IT wants to offload those tasks to end users.

That’s where a service such as CloudBolt comes in, offering a backbone of orchestration, automation, self-service IT and governance.

You can watch the entire webinar, and see a live demo of how AWS can be unified with a private datacenter using CloudBolt, here or in the embedded video below.

Experience the leading hybrid cloud management and orchestration solution. Request a CloudBolt demo today.

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