Advanced FinOps reporting, made simple

Harness your cloud data for informed decision-making and operational excellence to ensure cost efficiency across your business.
CloudBolt Screenshot

Your strategic ally in multi-cloud reporting

Cloud financial data can be extremely complex, but reporting doesn’t have to be.
CloudBolt Custom Mapping
Tailored dashboards designed for every users needs

Create and distribute customizable dashboards that provide actionable multi-cloud financial insights, relevant KPIs, budget burn-downs, cost trends, and detailed scorecards to all users.

Self-service for CB
Empower everyone to take ownership over their cloud costs.

Empower teams through democratized cost reporting that promotes accountability, ensures cost awareness and fosters an optimization mindset.

CloudBolt Screenshots
Analyze, investigate, and take action

Provide your users with a comprehensive way to view their cloud spending and the insights they need to continuously optimize spending across complex multi-cloud environments.


Your custom window into financial clarity

Empower your organization with actionable cloud financial intelligence
Financial Insight
A tailored experience

Dashboards are built to be tailored to provide relevant and actionable insights aligned with the unique informational needs of any persona in your business.

Your cost control center

Curate and arrange detailed widgets that resonate with your specific requirements and cloud workflows.

Sharing and collaboration

Duplicate or share dashboards to quickly distribute views to other teams or various business units in your organizations.


A place for every user to explore their costs

Dive deeper into your cloud expenditure with extensive reporting that accommodates any data or dimension you need to analyze.
Cost presentation icon
Period comparison

Compare prior cloud costs to understand growth patterns and review effectiveness of optimizations.

Quotas icon
Cloud forecasting

Leverage historical cloud expenditure data to accurately predict future infrastructure costs and budget appropriately.

Magnifying glass chart
Investigate spend anomalies

Quickly pinpoint anomalies in spending patterns to determine the root cause and investigate paths to resolution.

Cost allocation reporting

Allocate cloud infrastructure costs by business unit, department, and more to understand cost drivers and chargebacks.

Calculator cog icon
Budgeting & monitoring

Set budgets for spend by cloud, service, or business group and monitor actual expenditure to avoid unexpected costs.


Dynamic views for analysis at every level

Designed for every user, our dynamic reporting engine enables effortless navigation through complex multi-cloud financial data.
Report view

Analyze high-level cost trends with dynamic charts with configurable axes, cost groupings, time comparisons, advanced filtering, and more.

Grid view

Dive deep into cost analysis using a tabular view that incorporates tailored dimensions and filtering capabilities and focused examination of costs by service, time period, and user group.


Advanced report customization

Identify and extract essential cost data with advanced search and filtering capabilities.
In-depth reporting filters

A comprehensive range of filters ensures detailed cost analysis and comparison at every level, from cloud services and accounts to individual resources, purchase options, or business units.

Conditional icon
Adaptive views and grouping

Modify report views and data groupings to swiftly adjust perspectives, ensuring you always have the most effective angle for the task at hand.

Automation icon
Automated dynamic wildcards

Dynamic wildcards guarantee your reports consistently maintain accuracy by automatically including new services.


Maximize your cloud rate with commitment optimization

Centralize the management of your cloud reservations and savings plans with CloudBolt. Model future purchases, monitor current commitments, and track upcoming renewals in a single pane of glass.
Tailored analysis for informed purchasing

Achieve significant savings by strategically acquiring new reserved instances or savings plans. Detailed modeling tools allow for comprehensive analysis, accommodating various terms (1-, 3-, and 5-year) and resource types. This approach ensures your purchases are well-informed, strategic, and perfectly aligned with your cloud environment needs.

Effortless management and tracking

Easily manage your commitment usage and monitor your savings. Track Reserved Instance utilization over time with CloudBolt’s alerts for expirations and renewals. Receive proactive alerts for upcoming reserved instance expirations, ensuring timely renewals. This continuous optimization approach guarantees sustained efficiency and cost-effectiveness in your cloud resource management.


Don’t just take our word for it

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Focus on FinOps: The alignment paradox 

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Augmented FinOps: The Next Era for Cloud Cost Management

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Transforming FinOps Automation: Introducing CloudBolt’s Augmented FinOps 

Imagine this: A cost anomaly is detected in your environment. You receive an automatic alert that the appropriate team has been notified to take immediate action. In just a matter of minutes, the issue is resolved, and AI and machine learning begin ingesting the data and further training the system. You sit back, take a […]