Power to the practitioners

Mature and scale FinOps in your organization.
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Empower teams and transform outcomes

FinOps solutions that are powerful and personalized
Scale FinOps
Flexible for any financial architecture

Tackle complex multi-cloud visibility and optimization through custom business hierarchy mapping, tenant-based access controls, and flexible parent-child resource grouping.

Automated Cloud Savings
Design and operate FinOps your way

Overcome inaccurate analytics with custom reporting aligned to each business unit’s needs while optimized tagging enables granular visibility across every resource.

Extend FinOps capabilities
Bring FinOps capabilities to everyone in the business

Drive adoption outside technology with self-service access, financial task assignment, and democratized FinOps capabilities via automation and tool integration.


Enterprise-grade segmentation

CloudBolt’s segmentation options are designed to adapt to your enterprise’s unique structure and needs.
Tenant-based segmentation

CloudBolt tenants offers customizable access and enhanced data security, enabling enterprises to define unique user views and maintain strict data confidentiality within distinct organizational units.

Parent-child based segmentation

Parent-child organizations facilitate centralized management while allowing customizable sub-tenants autonomy, providing a balance of overarching control and localized execution to optimize resource management and data access.


Financial architecture that matches any organization

Map your business and align cloud spending with the unique taxonomy of your business. CloudBolt enables organizations to categorize cloud expenses accurately according to their specific business units, applications, services, or other relevant structures.
Advanced custom tagging

Implement custom tagging rules or utilize financial tags across various clouds to ensure consistent, accurate reporting, even with inconsistent metadata.

Reporting profiles

Utilize groups and report profiles to align chargeback bills meticulously with your unique financial structure and logic.

Customizable margin and discounts

Implement tailored margins and discounts at various levels, from cloud-specific to individual resources or business groups, to deliver precise insights.


Streamline multi-cloud management

Groups allow a flexible and responsive way for your FinOps teams to adapt CloudBolt to match your organizational architecture and a granular way to control multiple cloud accounts.
Group policies
Create groups that reflect your needs

Define your parameters using a diverse range of criteria, from tag keys to customer IDs, or even sub-accounts. Incorporate custom data and select metrics to create groups that truly reflect your organization’s needs.

Create guardrails for all users

Administrators can effortlessly create, view, update, disable, or enable group policies across all your clouds and tenants.

Let CloudBolt handle the rest

Once you have created your grouping logic, let CloudBolt handle the rest. Automated group creation reduces manual effort involved in adding future accounts by automatically applying logic for every new integration.


Endlessly integrate and customize

With hundreds of native integrations and an extensible webhook architecture, CloudBolt connects to any cloud, software, or technology solution your teams use.
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Enterprise integrations

Integrate FinOps with the tools your teams depend on, including ServiceNow, Teams, Slack, and much more.

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Extensive API framework

CloudBolt’s expansive and user-friendly API framework grants total control over its functionalities. Automate billing processes, integrate reports seamlessly with other tools, and explore boundless automation possibilities for enhanced operational efficiency.

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Your brand, our platform

CloudBolt understands the importance of your brand identity. That’s why our platform offers extensive white-labeling capabilities. Curate branded artifacts, manage access with precision, and ensure your brand takes center stage, not ours.

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Augmented FinOps: The Next Era for Cloud Cost Management

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The Truth About Cloud Value

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Transforming FinOps Automation: Introducing CloudBolt’s Augmented FinOps 

Imagine this: A cost anomaly is detected in your environment. You receive an automatic alert that the appropriate team has been notified to take immediate action. In just a matter of minutes, the issue is resolved, and AI and machine learning begin ingesting the data and further training the system. You sit back, take a […]