A New CloudBolt

Rethinking cloud value

CloudBolt is uniquely qualified to elevate how organizations think about and address their unique Cloud ROI problems in ways previously unattainable.

What we're solving

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A word from our CEO

In a world where value is rarely the primary driver of cloud decision-making in most organizations, our goal is to provide tools that will give users insights into the cloud value layer that they have never had access to before.

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Craig Hinkley, CEO, CloudBolt
Augmented FinOps: The next era for cloud cost management

With the introduction of our Augmented FinOps capabilities, CloudBolt is leveraging AI/ML-informed insights and applying intelligent automation and orchestration proactively and retrospectively to make complete cloud lifecycle optimization a reality.

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The truth about cloud value

Many organizations struggle to realize the promised benefits of the cloud due to persistent myths and oversimplified perspectives on cloud optimization. This ebook debunks 7 common myths to provide a more business-centric approach to FinOps.

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Start here

Want to learn more? These docs will get you started with CloudBolt’s new vision and mission, and why putting value at the center of every cloud decision will be key for your cloud success.

The new FinOps paradigm: Maximizing cloud ROI

Join CloudBolt and special guest presenter Tracy Woo, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, as we explore the latest observations in the FinOps movement and why all indicators point to a new focus of placing value at the center of every cloud decision.

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